воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

disconnect sessions

Thereapos;s a good chance that last night I turned down an offer for socializing that would have, in a friendapos;s words, "gotten me some play" with a gorgeous intelligent woman I only barely know.

Note to self: stop saying "maybe next time." Remember that Tao of Pooh quote you used to like so much, about never turning down an opportunity for adventure. In fact, maybe you ought to go read that book again. Because clearly youapos;re a little bit of an idiot.

Not that Snow Angels wasnapos;t a great film, but it would have waited.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

american express airline ticket

I donapos;t know what is wrong with me.� I am craving broccoli like a mad woman.� I hate the taste of it when it is raw or just steamed.� It has to be in some sort of sauce, but if it is I will eat the whole thing.� Last night I�had stir fry with broccoli and I�picked out almost all the broccoli and ate it myself the guys didnapos;t even know there was any in there.� Tonight I had sesame chicken and ate all the broccoli before I even touched the chicken.� I am starving for it.� There is a whole bowl of beef and broccoli in the fridge right now and itapos;s taking all I�have not to break into it and eat it all.� Instead Iapos;m saving it for tomorrow only because I know I�will have a horrible case of gas in the middle of the night if I eat it.� Iapos;m already feeling the pain from eating a little bit a couple of hours ago.�

So, the list is getting longer.� Good thing Iapos;m going to the doctor on Friday.� It now includes...

1. Vertigo
2. Fatigue
3. Craving broccoli

For the record I am absolutely sure that Iapos;m not pregnant.� Unless my husbands vasectomy completely failed, which would be some sort of miracle since he had the snip, burn and titanium rods put in there.� Nothing is getting through that.�

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fishing mitchell reel spool

Iapos;ve got troubled thoughts and self esteem to match, what a catch, what a catch

I love this song so much, at first I thought it was a bit overdone but after listening a few more times Iapos;ve realized how truly beautiful it is. I love how it basically sums up how far Fall Out Boy has come as a band by reprising their famous lyrics at the end,�it just warms�my heart and makes me so glad that I found this band,�itapos;s so nostalgic the way they have�all the guest vocalists singing, especially�William Beckett singing Growing Up, it makes me feel like this band really is Growing Up, or perhaps theyapos;re already there. I feel like the song summarizes where they are as a band right now, just on the cusp of something so much bigger. On the cusp of being a part of history.

There are so many bands out today that come and go, that are forgotten too quickly after their fifteen minutes of fame and it feels amazing to listen to a band that has staying power and will hopefully survive past my lifetime. I want them to go down in the history books because they truly deserve it, their growth as artists and as people since Take This To Your Grave and From Under the Cork Tree, when I truly got into them, has been amazing to watch and Iapos;m glad I could see it.

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